Are you worried in regards to your budgies who are not eating food and drinking water? You must wonder how long can budgies go without food and water?
Remember adult budgies can survive without food for 48 hours regardless of the season whether it is winter or summer
In winter less than 20 degree Celsius mature budgies can survive without water for 48 hours
In summers (40-45 degree Celsius) mature budgies can survive without water maximum of 24 hours
Baby budgie cannot survive without food as it needs food after every 30 minutes
How Long Can Budgies Go Without Food and Water: Understanding Food and Water Requirement
It is essential to figure out how much budgie eat and drink per day so you know their daily requirement.
Daily Water Requirement of a Budgie
One adult budgie may drink 1-2 table spoon of water each day but it mainly depends upon the temperature, humidity and exercise your budgie do each day. it also depends an individual budgie health as well.
Daily Food Requirement of a Budgie
One adult budgie may eat 1-2 table spoon of seeds or pallets and you should also add a tiny size portion of fresh fruits or vegetable into their diet. Remember they love to toss their food while eating so add a bit extra in their bowl so they can eat an adequate amount.
If your budgie is not eating and drinking then you must know the reasons behind it.
Why is my Budgie Not Eating or Drinking?
There are several reasons why your budgies are not eating or drinking. You need to check the following,
Budgie not Eating or Drinking Due to New Environment
If you have just brought in your budgie from a pet shop and you are worrying that your budgie is not eating or drinking then do not worry as your new budgie might have overfed already. Budgies take time in adjusting to the new environment and people.
Therefore your new budgie might be afraid and not eat. If your budgie is afraid then it will sit in the corner of the perch and will not come near food.
Budgie not Eating or Drinking Due to Illness
Your budgie might be affected by an illness and that can be a reason for him to not eat or drink. In Diarrhea, Air Sac Mites and Feather Mites budgies are unable to eat or drink and this may cause the death of your budgie in the end.
Budgie not Eating or Drinking Due to Food Preference
Budgies are prone to eating their favorite food and if you change their food overnight then they will stop eating.
Budgie not Eating or Drinking Due to a Dominant Budgie Bullying Your New Budgie
A dominant budgie in the same cage may bully your new budgie and might stop him to come near food.
What To Do If Your Budgie Is Not Eating?
If It Is Due To The New Environment
Wait for your budgie to be comfortable around you and do not crowd the place around him Place green vegetables in the budgie cage the next morning. You can put spinach, basil, or alfalfa as budgies like green vegetables.
If It Is Due To The Illness
In diarrhea, budgies are lacking energy even to come near food and have it therefore your budgie needs electrolytes to overcome the weakness.
Air Sac Mites cause trouble for budgies in breathing therefore they are unable to eat food and drink water so you need to provide medication to budgies to fight Air Sac Mites.
Feather Mites cause them to itch on feathers, therefore, they are unable to eat and drink water.
If It Is Due To Food Preference
Usually, budgies like to eat Canary seeds, Linseed, White millet, Yellow millet, and Peeled Oats therefore if you are giving them other foods then try to give them their favorite food as mentioned.
If It Is Due To Dominant Budgie Bullying Your New Budgie
You need to separate your new budgie and keep him in a new cage then he will eat and drink in harmony.
You must know why your budgies are not eating and what you can do to resolve the issue. If you would need more help then you can contact us by our email or let us know in the comment section below.