I have noticed budgie owners complaining about their budgies being noisy and they are eager to learn how to make budgies quiet when they need to. Remember these pets are social and they chirp when they are happy.
From my experience, this complaint might be legit sometimes if your budgies are being unusually loud and it is not a regular budgie chirping or chanting. For those unusual cases, we need to list down the reasons for them being noisy and then learn how to make budgies quiet.
Let’s first learn why budgies might be unusually loud sometimes and what to do about it.
Short Answer:
Identify why your budgies are loud be it boredom, stress, or more. Learn ‘How To Make Budgies Quiet’ for a calm and happy aviary.
If you can distinguish normal budgie chirps from unusually loud calls then you can learn how to make budgies quiet. There can be several reasons why your budgies are making unusually loud noises such as Boredom or lack of stimulation, Stress, Noise phobia, Fear, Aggression, and pain. We need to identify the cause and act accordingly.
Why Are My Budgies So Noisy?
Normal Behaviour
Budgies are social birds and like to communicate with each other. They make noise as a way of alerting you to their presence, showing you that they are happy and content, or just because they crave interaction and attention from you!
Budgies also make noise because they are territorial. They want to protect their territory from others who may be entering it. This can sometimes lead to loud noises being made when there is no real danger present at all.
You need to make sure that you do not add a new budgie into their cage until introducing the new bird the right way.
Do not overcrowd the Cage
However, most budgie owners find that aggression in budgies also happens in cases where there are multiple birds inside one cage which results in competition for food/water sources, etc. You need to look at the below video to understand “what is the perfect cage size for two Budgies” Source
Learn Budgie sounds meaning as well which will make you aware of what is your budgie communicating and what you need to do about it. Bird Nuggets has explained this in good detail.
How To Make Budgies Quiet In The Morning
Remember all birds including pet budgies follow the natural biological clock for sleeping and waking up. This is why when morning light strikes over their cage they wake up and call you to provide them with food and water.
If you are not a morning person and you have budgies as pets then I must say you should follow their routine otherwise you need to train your birds to follow your routine which I do not advise as this is unhealthy for your birds and even for you.
To do this you need to keep your birds up until you sleep and then cover their cage until you wake up. This way they will wake up with you.
You can also keep your budgie’s cage far from your room so their chirps don’t wake you up and let your family members take care of your budgies in the morning.
How To Make Budgies Quiet At Night
If your budgies are making noise at night, there are several things you can do to help them feel more comfortable.
Budgie Making Unusually Loud Noise Due to Fear
Your budgies may make unusually loud noises due to fear at night that fear can be triggered due to potential predators such as cats, dogs, mice, and anything from which your budgies might feel threatened.
Once I was taking a picture from my phone in the bird room at night and the room light was on but a sudden flash from my phone triggered fear in my budgies and they started making noise therefore anything out of the ordinary may scare your birds.
Provide Enough Food and Water
Second, make sure they have enough food and water available at all times birds need both fresh food and water.
Reduce Noise to Ensure Comfortable Night For Your Budgie
Thirdly, make sure the environment around him is quiet; if loud noises are coming from TVs/radio speakers nearby or other pets making noise too often nearby then this may cause stress-related behavior problems such as vocalization at night time.
Quiet Cage Setup For Budgies
- Provide a quiet, peaceful environment.
- Provide a variety of perches and toys.
- Use a cage cover to reduce noise levels in the room where your budgie is housed
.Keep your budgie’s cage out of direct sunlight. Set up a quiet room where you can spend time with your budgie. This will help to reduce stress and provide an environment that is more conducive to bonding.
Stimulating Cage Setup To Reduce Budgie Noise
You can reduce the amount of noise your budgie makes by providing a stimulating cage setup. This will keep them busy, entertained, and less likely to be bored. Here are some tips:
- Provide several toys and perches in varying textures, sizes, and heights so that your bird has options when choosing where to land or sit.
- Avoid small toys as they may be swallowed by your bird if ingested accidentally.
- Avoid loose strings on any toys because these could become tangled around feet or wings.
You may also want to consider purchasing another budgie friend for the company. They are social creatures who enjoy companionship from their own kind as well as humans!
Entertaining Toys And Perches For Budgies
When it comes to toys and perches for your budgie, there are two main things you should look for: quietness and safety. First, make sure that all of the toys you introduce into your bird’s cage are safe such as no strings or plastic parts that could get tangled around their legs or neck.
Second, try to find items that encourage exercise and mental stimulation (like puzzles) as well as those that keep them occupied while they are resting in their cage at night or during the day when they are not being interacted with by humans.
For example, a swing is an entertaining toy that encourages exercise because it requires a lot of movement on behalf of your bird.
Also remember: just because something is not listed here does not mean it is not good quality; these recommendations come from personal experience working.
Your budgies will be much happier and more peaceful if you can find a way to make them quiet. They will be able to sleep at night and not disturb other pets or people in your house. If you have any questions about how to make budgies quiet, just leave a comment below! I will try my best to help you out.