Budgies are the smallest species of parrot family they are very social and playful and are the good pet you can keep.
Sometimes people notice that their budgies are losing its feather and they start worrying about it, so basically there is no need to worry about it.
How Long Budgies Molt All You Need To Know About Parakeet Molting?
It’s a natural process of molting in budgies in which budgies molt once a year in the wild and biannually or monthly in captivity.
What is Molting?
Molting is a process in which birds shed their old feathers to make way for new feathers. Molting requires renewing the bird’s plumage and keeping it in a condition by which the bird can grow efficient flight feathers, temperature directive, protection, and colorful
How Do I Know If My Budgie Is Molting?
Molting is very common in budgies it’s a process of shedding their old feathers to make room for new ones.
Budgies can show some physical and behavioral signs in molting, you might notice their feathers dropping out in the cage or in the area where you kept your budgie and pins popping out from their heads because new feathers are coming.
Behavioral signs you might notice that your budgie will be less lively than normal and will spend time sleeping. These are the signs by which you can easily come to know that your budgie is molting.
In other medical problems, budgie can also lose their feathers like feather plucking and mites issues so you have to observe your budgie very carefully.
Is Molting Stressful for Budgies?
Molting can be stressful for budgies. Budgies a lot of energy is spent in the production of new feathers. That is why at the time of molting budgies do less activity as compared to normal routine and spend most of the time of day sleeping or sitting on the perch.
Do Budgies Go Quiet When Molting?
Budgies are very active and playful birds they always make very beautiful sounds by chirping but at the time of molting budgies will often sit on the perch and will not make any sound or any activity till they clear their molt, that doesn’t mean they are feeling any discomfort, older budgies will usually spend most of the day in sleeping.
How do you Comfort a Molting Bird?
Molting is a natural process of shedding feathers in birds. During this bird will develop pins-like growth known as pin feathers and by that bird often become uncomfortable by itching.
So it’s necessary to provide comfort to your birds as much as possible you can.
Misting your bird:
At the time of molting mist your bird 2 times a day which will make your bird comfortable.
Misting can help to increase the humidity of the cage of your bird, which will make your bird less itchy. Use room temperature water with the help of a mister or spray bottle.
Let your bird rest:
During the molting period, your bird may not do any activity or not make any sound because of itching which will make them uncomfortable.
Do not worry about this behavior and let them sleep or rest do not disturb them. Be patient with your bird and let them get all the rest.
Avoid petting.
At the start of molting the pin feathers are filled with blood and are very sensitive, by petting you may damage pin feathers and as a result, a bird can be hurt.
Room Temperature:
Always keep your bird at room temperature of 21 to 23 Degrees Celsius because your bird feature falls out and chilly or hot weather can affect it.
Does Bathing Help A Molting Bird?
Birds like to bathe more regularly while they are going through molt. Because bathing can help a bird to make a softer hard sheath that forms around the pin fathers, which will make it easier to remove once the new feathers have grown it.
Bathing and preening make birds feel relieved from skin itching at the time of molting.
Can Birds Fly While Molting?
Yes, birds can fly while molting because usually, they do not shed all the feathers at once.
Birds shed their feathers timely from the body, it can be difficult for them to fly continuously but they can fly at the time of molting.